Pilates for Golf

6 week program
All levels

Golf is a complex sport involving Power, Mobility, Flexibility and requiring strength through the trunk and legs. Pilates as a form of training, goes a long way to improving these qualities. The “Pilates for Golf’ program, running for 6 weeks involves 18 workouts that been structured to allow the Golf participant to enhance these physical qualities and elevate their game.

Week 1

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Full Body Burn (with Dumbbells)
#1081 39:30

This is a 40 min full body session, using Dumbbells for some extra burn. Class 1 of the Body-by-MADI series. Enjoy

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Pilates + Strength 1
#1032 35:34

This class format is a new and challenging format where you will superset (combine) a Reformer movement with a DB movement to strengthen specific body parts. It’s good a solid pace, the movements cover the entire body and it’s a great way to combine different methods into one workout.

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Total Body Realignment
#1003 48:04

An all over complete body stretch class designed to revitalise and enhance joint movement and assist with pain relief. Lengthen muscles, improve joint mobility and free body stiffness and soreness. A great class to do regularly - I guarantee you will feel rejuvenated and revived.

Week 2

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Creating a ‘Super’ CORE
#1029 48:33

This class is a solid core workout focusing on technique and abdominal strength. This group of exercises also engages muscles supporting the hips and lower back. There is an emphasis on controlling the trunk and creating lasting pelvic and core strength

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Pilates + Strength 2
#1031 31:44

This is a full body workout which challenges all major muscle group and trunk strength through a combination of standard and advanced Reformer moves combined with a Dumbbell movement. The pace is on from the start, so get ready for a solid workout.

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Week 3

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Full Body Workout
#1102 41:57

Welcome to the complete full body burn with Madi. Using the ball and box for accessories this class targets just about everything. Madi brings the magic once again.

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Pilates + Strength 3
#1037 34:52

This class is a challenging series of movement combined in a number of triplets. Reformer to Dumbells to Abdominal Strength. It’s achievable, but the pace is constant, so get your equipment ready and mind engaged and enjoy this new combination of full body work.

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Balanced Body Stretch
#1036 50:33

This class is designed to lengthen muscles and increase joint mobility from head to toe. A full-body mobility session which will help you feel revived and contribute to greater flexibility and potential pain relief.

Week 4

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Glutes and Core GALORE
#1080 24:43

Short, sweat and you'll be sweaty. It's a short class but heavy on the workload. 22 mins of GLUTES and CORE GALORE. Enjoy

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Pilates + Strength 4
#1040 26:39

Here's another challenging workout for you to try. This one has a series of "triplet" movements that covers legs, core, upperbody and even some bodyweight moves to get your heart rate up a little. It'll keep you moving and covers all the major muscles in a simple to follow format that will keep you both physically and mentally engaged. Ready.....GO!

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Full Body Stretching
#1048 36:27

Another opportunity to work on your much needed flexibility and mobility through a selection of key movements providing some of my favourite moves. You can also use this as a longer cool down and flexibility session following one of our tougher workouts. Relax, Breathe, Stretch and repeat. Enjoy.

Week 5

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NXT Level Upper Body and Core
#1013 32:18

A challenging collection of movements with some emphasis around Upper Body and Trunk Strength moves.

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Pilates + Strength 5
#1044 32:26

This workout once more combines 3 useful modalities of training - Reformer, DB's and your own Bodyweight into a challenging series of combinations that will address your entire body. I have purposely kept the pace fast in this class, so get ready, once we start, we keep at it. ENJOY

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Full Body Stretch – Focusing on Key Tight Spots
#1052 25:44

This is a 25 min class focusing on the major areas of tightness that we see people present will commonly. It does goes over the whole body, I’m sure you will find a few movements in this class that make you feel more relaxed and mobile, especially through the lower back, hamstrings, hip flexors and into the upper body as well. Take your time, I have kept the pace slowly, focus on your breathing and relax into all the movements. Enjoy!

Week 6

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Advanced Full Body Strength and Control
#1075 33:35

This class is designed to challenge all the key body parts. It's a collection on mostly bodyweight movements and will require good levels of Strength and Control. This will be a good challenge, but as always, concentrate on using your ideal technique.

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Pilates + Strength 6
#1049 33:43

Another collection of challenging moves combining the best of the Reformer, along with bodyweight movements and a solid pace to bring that aerobic component up as well. So push yourself through this, you’ll hear me puffing along the way with you. Challenging but achievable. Have fun with it.

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All My Favourites – Combo Stretch Class
#1077 25:57

A comprehensive 25 min stretch session that includes all of my favourite stretches. Surely you can keep up with this old guy and most likely do a little bit better no doubt.
